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In the realm of cybersecurity, the importance of taking proactive measures cannot be overstated. With cyber threats evolving in frequency, sophistication, and severity, at an alarming rate, organizations, particularly small- and mid-sized businesses must be vigilant in safeguarding their digital assets and securing their environments. This is where The AES Group’s Security-as-a-Service with its straightforward three-phase approach with Assess, Build and Control, comes into play. This comprehensive approach to cybersecurity begins with the crucial first step: Assessment. 


Assessment is the foundation upon which a robust cybersecurity strategy is built. It involves a thorough evaluation of an organization’s current security posture and is conducted for your benefit. A holistic, comprehensive assessment should include a business impact analysis and a risk assessment. Upon completion, your organization will understand what aspects of the assessed framework are implemented and operating effectively, and what aspects require additional work. Organizations can gain valuable insights into their security risks and weaknesses, enabling them to develop an effective security strategy. 

The assessment process is multi part and typically begins with: 

  1. Identifying and inventorying all digital assets, including hardware, software, data, and networks. This step is crucial for understanding the scope of the organization’s IT environment and identifying potential vulnerabilities. 
  2. Conducting a risk assessment to identify and prioritize potential threats and vulnerabilities. This step involves analyzing the likelihood and potential impact of various threats, helping organizations focus their resources on addressing the most critical risks first. 

Once the risks are identified, organizations can then develop and implement a security strategy to address those risks. This may include implementing technical controls, such as firewalls and antivirus software, engaging with managed services for Managed Detection, as well as developing policies and procedures and plans like an incident response plan to mitigate risks increase resilience. More on that when we get to the Build phase. 

Finally, organizations must regularly review and update their security strategy to adapt to the evolving threat landscape. By staying proactive and continuously improving their security posture, organizations can effectively protect their digital assets, secure their operations, and ensure their long-term success. More on that when we get to the Control phase. 

At The AES Group, we believe that effectively bolstering your cybersecurity posture starts with a clear understanding of your current state. It is an essential component of developing a coherent and mature cyber security strategy. That is why we begin every Security-as-a Service engagement with a holistic, comprehensive assessment strategically designed to accurately understand the business impact and identify and prioritize potential risks. An assessment helps us, and you understand where you need to apply additional resources and attention, setting the stage for a strong and effective security strategy. 

Need Help? Contact us at [email protected] and schedule a free consultation.  



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